Ah. This little onstage rant by the Motor City Madman is causing a huge stink in Moonbat circles. It seems Mr. Nugent has "threatened" Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with murder (among other liberal lights such as Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer). He even started his rant with a thinly-disguised suggestion directed at California Governor Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger.
This little bit was apparently recorded by a concert-goer in Oroville, California on 22 August. Thus, the rant's focus on California politicians.
Here's a transcript of his rant:
(Brandishing two automatic rifles.) Hey, Arnold! Suck on this one time, you putz.Actually, he didn't threaten to murder anyone. He did suggest, however, that certain Democrats do all of us a favor and commit "the deed" themselves....
I was in Chicago last week. I was in Chicago, I said, "Hey, Obama! You might want to suck on one of these, you punk."
You don't get that? Obama. He's a piece of shit. And I told him to suck on my machine gun. Let's hear it for him.
And then I was in New York. I said, I said, "Hey, Hillary. You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.
And since I'm in California, how about Barbara Boxer? She might want to suck on my machine gun.
Hey, Dianne Feinstein! Ride one of these you worthless whore.
Any questions?
Needless to say, this little exercise of First Amendment rights has caused quite the stir among the nutroots. The Moonbat-O-Sphere is all a-twitter, as it were.
And how terrible of that Ted Nugent fellow to "threaten" those poor people, like that!
But here's how one o' them "kinder, gentler" Moonbats responded to the YouTube video:
Ted Nugent is a period stain on this planet. I'd love to cock my gun in his mouth and do the world a favor. This crack smoker and all people who think like him should be carted away to a death camp, and put on the short list to go first! I wish he was one of Michael Vick's pit bulls!!! [Emphasis added by moi.]Yes, of course! That little bit was much more reserved and reasonable than Nugent's was, you stupid little prick.
Of course, a ruckus ensued on Hannity and Colmes:
I'm with Ted on this one. Bob Beckel and Alan Colmes can suck on one of those machine gun thingies, too, as far as I'm concerned.